A Method for Improving Multivariate Measurement Systems Assessment

Multivariate measurement systems analysis (MSA) is usually performed by designing suitable gauge repeatability and reproducibility (R&R) experiments, ignoring available data generated by the measurement system while used for inspection or process control. This article proposes an approach that, by using the data that are routinely available from the regular operation of the instrument, allows the measurement instrument's current precision to be compared against a benchmark. The proposed method may be appropriately used in an integrated and coordinated manner with the usual multivariate gauge study in the sense that it can be used to assess the stability or a possible deterioration in the precision of the measurement instrument while operational. Therefore, the complementary use of the proposed approach and the traditional multivariate gauge R&R studies can be a useful strategy for improving the overall quality of multivariate measurement systems. Furthermore, because it can be implemented at almost no additional cost, it may be effective in reducing the costs of a multivariate MSA performed with a certain frequency. Copyright © 2014 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.