Language Evolution: Contact, Competition and Change
1. Introduction Part 1: Population Dynamics and Language Evolution 2. Language evolution 3. Population movements, contacts, competition, selection, and language evolution 4. How population-wide patterns emerge in language evolution 5. What do creoles and pidgins tell us about the evolution of language? 6. Race, racialism, and the study of language evolution in America Part 2: Competition, Selection, And the Development of Creoles 7. Competition and selection in language evolution 8. Transfer and the 'substrate hypothesis' in creolistics 9. Grammaticization and the development of creoles 10. Multilingualism in linguistic history Part 3: Globalization And Language Vitality 11. Language birth and death 12. Globalization and the myth of killer languages 13. Globalization and language vitality in Francophone Africa 14. A Case Study: The ecology of Gullah's survival Conclusions: The big picture and questions for future research Bibliography Index.