A Characterisation of Commuter Bicycle Trips

This paper presents the results from a set of surveys conducted in the city of Rio de Janeiro with bicycle users travelling to work or to school. From these surveys, we identified the main characteristics of bike trips and could establish a demand model based on the bike user's behaviour. This travel demand model could be used in estimating the number of bicycle trips that may be generated by employees of shopping centres as an example of a demand model for bike trips. Moreover in some locations, a survey was conducted with non-users to identify issues regarding the use of this mode of transport. The surveys were conducted in universities, workplaces and in subway stations. In the subway stations, people who used a bicycle in addition to this system and people who did not use a bicycle to access the subway stations were interviewed. The results of this research not only shed light on bike users, but also develop a tool to aid the estimation of a potential demand of commuter bicycle trips.