A new Strategy to Improve the Pathfinding in Wireless ad-hoc Networks

In link-state computer networks it is usual that every node knows the topology of the entire network and can make the routing decisions based on that. One of the protocols in use is OLSR. The OLSR routing protocol implements the algorithm of Dijkstra to find the shortest paths from the nodes to the gateways of the network. For that purpose, Dijkstra’s algorithm has to be executed k times, while k is the number of gateways. In this paper, we present a strategy that generalizes all gateways to one gateway. We call this the General Gateway Strategy. Using this, the Algorithm of Dijkstra has to be executed only one time, which significantly increases the performance of the overall algorithm to find the shortest paths to the gateways. Keywords-Wireless mesh networks; Ad hoc networks; Wi-Fi; Shortest path problem.