Analytical investigations of electromagnetic location schemes relevant to mine rescue

This volwne contains a swnnary o f the resul t s of past analyses on U.S. Bureau o f Mines Contract No. lo.0122061 which are relevant t o electromagnetic location i n mine rescue situations. The analytical resul ts indicated that detection o f a trapped miner equipped with a special transmitter i s feasible i n most situations. Location o f the miner by surface measurements i s also generally feasible within certa in errors. The feas ib i l i ty o f miner detection and the accuracy of miner Location have been examined theoretically for a wide variety of situations. Agreement with experimental resul ts i s generatty good i n cases where measurements are available. Personnel involved i n the investigation include J.R. Wait (Principal Investigator), D.A. H i l l (Co-Principal Investigator), K.P. Spies, A.Q. Howard, and Lana Slusher (Administrative Assistant).