References 1 Jaffe, N. A, Clark, K. J., Nardo, C. T, and Anderson, L. W., "Nosetip Cooling Technology Program," Final Report 73-84, Air Force Contract F04701-71-C-0087, Oct. 1973, Aerotherm Div., Acurex Corp., Mountain View, Calif. 2 Clark, K. J. and Mehner, P. O., "Test Report, Nosetip Cooling Technology Program, Combined Cooling Tests," Air Force Contract F04701-71-C-0087, Sept. 30, 1974. 3 Lane, F., "Liquid-Layer Phenomenology," KLD TR-6, Feb. 1972, KLD Associates, Huntington, New York. Baronti, P., Fox, H, and Soil, D., "A Survey of the Compressible Turbulent Boundary Layer with Mass Transfer," Astronautic Data, Vol 13, 1967, pp. 239-249. 5 Covington, M. A. and Vojvodich, N. S., "Turbulent Flow Studies in Two Arc-Heated Duct Facilities," Journal of Spacecraft and Rockets, Vol. 9, No. 6, June 1972, pp. 441-^47. 6 Jorgensen, L. H. and Baum, G. M., "Charts for Equilibrium Flow Properties of Air in Hypervelocity Nozzles," TND-1333, 1962 NASA. 7 Moeckel, W. E. and Weston, K. C., "Composition and Thermodynamic Properties of Air in Chemical Equilibrium," TN-4265, 1958, NACA. 8 Charwat, A. F., "Supersonic Flows with Imbedded Separated Regions," Advances in Heat Transfer, Vol. 6, Academic Press, New York, 1970, pp. 1-132. 9 Schlichting, H., Boundary Layer Theory, 4th ed., McGraw-Hill, New York, 1960. 10 Nardo, C. T., "Discrete Injection Blockage Condition," Aerotherm Div., Acurex Corp., Mountain View, Calif., to be published.
G. Gilbert,et al.
Improvement of underwater visibility by reduction of backscatter with a circular polarization technique.
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J. P. J. W. Swennen.
Time-Average Power-Density Probability Distribution Below the Ocean Surface of a Beam of Collimated Optical Radiation Incident on the Surface*
S. Duntley.
Light in the Sea
G. Gilbert,et al.
The effects of particle size on contrast improvement by polarization discrimination for underwater targets.
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H Hodara,et al.
The signal/noise ratio concept in underwater optics.
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