Mathematical Modeling for the Detection of Fish by an Airborne Laser

References 1 Jaffe, N. A, Clark, K. J., Nardo, C. T, and Anderson, L. W., "Nosetip Cooling Technology Program," Final Report 73-84, Air Force Contract F04701-71-C-0087, Oct. 1973, Aerotherm Div., Acurex Corp., Mountain View, Calif. 2 Clark, K. J. and Mehner, P. O., "Test Report, Nosetip Cooling Technology Program, Combined Cooling Tests," Air Force Contract F04701-71-C-0087, Sept. 30, 1974. 3 Lane, F., "Liquid-Layer Phenomenology," KLD TR-6, Feb. 1972, KLD Associates, Huntington, New York. Baronti, P., Fox, H, and Soil, D., "A Survey of the Compressible Turbulent Boundary Layer with Mass Transfer," Astronautic Data, Vol 13, 1967, pp. 239-249. 5 Covington, M. A. and Vojvodich, N. S., "Turbulent Flow Studies in Two Arc-Heated Duct Facilities," Journal of Spacecraft and Rockets, Vol. 9, No. 6, June 1972, pp. 441-^47. 6 Jorgensen, L. H. and Baum, G. M., "Charts for Equilibrium Flow Properties of Air in Hypervelocity Nozzles," TND-1333, 1962 NASA. 7 Moeckel, W. E. and Weston, K. C., "Composition and Thermodynamic Properties of Air in Chemical Equilibrium," TN-4265, 1958, NACA. 8 Charwat, A. F., "Supersonic Flows with Imbedded Separated Regions," Advances in Heat Transfer, Vol. 6, Academic Press, New York, 1970, pp. 1-132. 9 Schlichting, H., Boundary Layer Theory, 4th ed., McGraw-Hill, New York, 1960. 10 Nardo, C. T., "Discrete Injection Blockage Condition," Aerotherm Div., Acurex Corp., Mountain View, Calif., to be published.