Management of a Sales Force

PART I: Introduction to Sales Force Management Chapter 1: The Field of Sales Force Management Chapter 2: Strategic Sales Force Management Chapter 3: Personal Selling Process PART II: Organizing, Staffing, and Training a Sales Force Chapter 4: Sales Force Organization Chapter 5: Profiling and Recruiting Salespeople Chapter 6: Selecting and Hiring Applicants Chapter 7: Developing, Delivering, and Reinforcing a Sales Training Program PART III: Directing Sales Force Operations Chapter 8: Motivating a Sales Force Chapter 9: Sales Force Compensation Chapter 10: Sales Force Expenses and Transportation Chapter 11: Leadership of a Sales Force PART IV: Sales Planning Chapter 12: Estimating Market Potential and Forecasting Sales Chapter 13: Sales Territories PART V: Evaluating Sales Performance Chapter 14: Analysis of Sales Volume Chapter 15: Marketing Cost and Profitability Analysis Chapter 16: Evaluating a Salesperson's Performance Chapter 17: Ethical and Legal Responsibilities of Sales Managers Appendix A: Integrative Cases Appendix B: Careers in Sales Management