Consensus Genic Sequences in Bacterial rRNA-tRNA gene clusters

Choice of the promising fragments is subjectively performed. Only one allowed union of categories is PM. It should be noted that, in principle, exact match is necessary not only between amino acids but also between anticodons as seen in a certain case of L(TAA) [2]:Exceptionally, evolutionally interpretable unmatch may be allowed as seen between M(CAT) and I(CAT) ([5], Locus names BACTGTRNE and BACRGRRNB, respectively), and between L(CAG) and L(TAG) [2]. To estimate the ability of the set summarized in Table 1, three test sequences were processed;(1) From Anacytics aueus : 16 I A (23); (A) 23 5 [5]. There is no eec-tive clue. The result of the rst test would reveal the limit of the present set of consensus fragments because the bacteria is cyanobacteria, which is out of the four categories. The last two suggest that the concept of the consensus fragments of the rRNA-tRNA gene cluters may be an important key to solve phylogenetic questions. This is our current conclusion.