Full-Automatic Implementation of Protocol Programs for OSI Application Protocols over ROSE

Recently, the automatic program generation from protocol specification comes to be used in order to increase the efficiency of protocol program implementation. In the field of OSI, it can be applied successfully to the application protocol programs over ROSE. However, the conventional RO program generators have problems that they cannot generate complete protocol programs. This paper proposes a full-automatic implementation method of OSI application protocols over ROSE. Our RO program generator supports the program generation for more than one application protocols over ROSE such as MHS P2 / P7, and enables the presentation context handling. As a result, we have succeeded to generate a complete MHS P2/P7 protocol program. This paper describes the detailed design of our RO program generator and the results of implementation of P2/P7 program and its performance evaluation. The work which we did for the implementation was just to specify 370 line P2 / P7 protocol specification. The automatically generated P2 / P7 program can provide about 100 operations per second. Therefore, the proposed implementation method is considered to achieve as high performance as applicable to the practical usage.