Carcinoma of the Prolapsed Cervix

formally opened on July 3rd by Lord Provost Sir William L. Sleigh. The first block of the settlement consists of a substantial building containing five houses, eaclh house including a living room and small kitchen downstairs, with two bedrooms and other accommodation upstairs; a generous amount of garden space is allowed to each tenant. Lord Salvesen, chairman of the association, who presided at the opening ceremony, said that in the eleven years since the association had commenced to ask for subscriptions nearly 200 houses for disabled men' and their families hlad beenl provided. These houses were at present inihabited by something like 1,C00 people, so that the association had done something towards both solving the housing probiem and repaying their debt of gratitude to the meni who had suffered most in the war. The Lord Provost, in declaring the settlement open, said that the work of the association had extended all over Scotland, and the present was the eighteenith settlement where disabled men could live in comfort and bring up their families amidst -healthy and pleasant surroundings. Although no actual rent was charged for the houses the occupant was called upon to pay the rates and taxes and other onicosts. He believed that no other country was in possession of a scheme such as this. It was mentioned that the cost of eaclh house was now about £600.