Alterations of the TGFb-sequestration complex member ADAMTSL1 levels are associated with muscular defects and rhabdomyosarcoma aggressiveness
J. Blay | Laura Broutier | C. Picard | Marine Théodore | Gaëtan Juban | R. Mounier | M. Castets | N. Corradini | P. Castets | M. Creveaux | A. Dutour | N. Streichenberger | V. Allamand | C. Gallerne | S. B. Larbi | A. Kneppers | M. Cordier-Bussat | P. Huchedé | Adrien Bertrand-Chapel | Alejandro H. Lopez-Gonzales | Enzo Cohen | Amélie Bouvier | Swann Meyer | Ruth Benayoun | Lucile Vaille