Advanced technologies for residential appliance and lighting market transformation

Abstract This article describes an assessment of options for and barriers to improved efficiency in four key energy consuming residential products: refrigerator/freezers, clothes washers, electric water heaters, and lighting equipment. National energy savings were calculated using the Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory's (LBNL) Residential Energy Model, which projects the number of households and appliance saturations over time. Energy savings are shown for the period 1998 to 2015. The analysis shows that significant energy savings beyond those achieved through existing efficiency standards are possible. In the face of market and other barriers, however, realizing the technical potentials described in this paper will require an active policy approach to market transformation. Since this article was completed, LBNL has commenced a new set of analyses of energy savings potential in refrigerator/freezers and clothes washers. These and subsequent analyses may enhance technical information given here, furthering an understanding of energy efficiency potential in the residential and commercial sectors.