Instrumentação Analógica e Microprocessada Aplicada à Leitura de Vazão Analog Instrumentation with Microprocessor Applied to Reading Flow

The main goal of this study is to develop an electronic system able to measure a real time water flowing using only fixed parts. Therefore, a Venturi’s tube was built, with two access points for pressure readings. The electronic system is divided into four main parts: a sensor, an analog electronic, a digital electronic with a microcontroller, and a display. The flow measurement is resultant of analysis of a differential pressure sensor connected to the Venturi’s tube. The sensor answers, by electric voltage, to the differential pressure related to the flow via the Bernoulli’s principle. Analog circuits directly connected into a microcontroller ARM cortex M3 (STM32F107VC) adjust the sensor output voltage. The kit STM3210C_EVAL was utilized as a development board in this project. The flow measurement is indicated by a 20x4 display. Finally, a conventional volumetric water meter compared all the output data by electronic system.