Masonry bridge with five long span arches: computer modelling analysis of failures and repairs

Within the framework of research on vaulted structures, this study proposes a structural analysis of a special case study: a 19Ih century five-arch masonry bridge (fig. 1) on the C e ~ o t rrent near Buronzo (Vercelli) in Italy. Thanks to careful surveys and the retrieval of the original design project, it proved possible to work out a mathematical model able to take into account the different structural elements that were typical of late 1 9 ' ~ century masonry bridges: foundations, piers, abutments, arches, tympanums and filling. A step-by-step analysis made it possible to eliminate from the masonry the zones in tension and work out a reliable model, so as to gain an understanding of the real structural behaviour of the bridge, both in its original configuration (before and after the damaging phenomena). and following the interventions performed over t ime to strengthen the bridge and to adapt it to the new requirements arising from vehicle traffic.