Effectiveness of Collaborative Tool Usage for Virtual Team Activities

This research explores the use of collaborative tools and their relationship with team tasks to develop a better understanding of computer support of virtual teaming from the theoretical perspective of Adaptive Structuration Theory (AST). High-level IT executives from 53 large organizations surveyed were asked to identify: 1) which collaborative tools are used within their organizations; 2) their frequency of use; 3) how they are used; and 4) how successful the tools are. AST, which has previously been applied to studies of technologies supporting group work (Poole and DeSanctis, 1990) conceives of technology use as a social practice that emerges over time. Successful use of a technology is dependent upon the effectiveness with which groups appropriate and modify the technology to meet their needs. The research discusses the differences in how collaborative tools are used between highand low-performing virtual teaming groups, as well as how different organization structures appear at different stages of virtual team development.

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