HLTCOE Participation in TAC KBP 2015: Cold Start and TEDL

The JHU HLTCOE participated in the Cold Start and the Entity Discovery and Linking tasks of the 2016 Text Analysis Conference Knowledge Base Population evaluation. For our fifth year of participation in Cold Start we continued our research with the KELVIN system. We submitted experimental variants that explore use of linking to Freebase across three languages and add relations beyond those required by Cold Start. This is our second year of participation in EDL. We used KELVIN in all runs.

[1]  Timothy W. Finin,et al.  KELVIN: Extracting Knowledge from Large Text Collections , 2014, AAAI Fall Symposia.

[2]  Rinke Hoekstra,et al.  YASGUI: Not Just Another SPARQL Client , 2013, SALAD@ESWC.

[3]  Hang Yu,et al.  Efficient top-k algorithm for eXtensible Markup Language keyword search , 2012, IET Softw..

[4]  Johanna Völker,et al.  The Semantic Web: ESWC 2013 Satellite Events , 2013, Lecture Notes in Computer Science.

[5]  Jeffrey Dean,et al.  Distributed Representations of Words and Phrases and their Compositionality , 2013, NIPS.

[6]  Tim Oates,et al.  KELVIN: a tool for automated knowledge base construction , 2013, NAACL.

[7]  Hang Yu,et al.  A new indexing strategy for XML keyword search , 2010, 2010 Seventh International Conference on Fuzzy Systems and Knowledge Discovery.

[8]  Timothy W. Finin,et al.  Hot Stuff at Cold Start: HLTCOE participation at TAC 2014 , 2014 .

[9]  Dirk Merkel,et al.  Docker: lightweight Linux containers for consistent development and deployment , 2014 .

[10]  Andrew McCallum,et al.  Efficient clustering of high-dimensional data sets with application to reference matching , 2000, KDD '00.

[11]  Derek Wyatt Akka Concurrency , 2013 .

[12]  D. Sánchez,et al.  Automatic information extraction from the Web , 2004 .

[13]  Nanyun Peng,et al.  Named Entity Recognition for Chinese Social Media with Jointly Trained Embeddings , 2015, EMNLP.

[14]  Timothy W. Finin,et al.  Robust semantic text similarity using LSA, machine learning, and linguistic resources , 2015, Language Resources and Evaluation.

[15]  E. Prud hommeaux,et al.  SPARQL query language for RDF , 2011 .

[16]  Nicholas J. Belkin,et al.  Report on the SIGIR workshop on "entertain me": supporting complex search tasks , 2012, SIGF.

[17]  Timothy W. Finin,et al.  Comparing and Evaluating Semantic Data Automatically Extracted from Text , 2013, AAAI Fall Symposia.

[18]  Francis Ferraro,et al.  Concretely Annotated Corpora , 2014 .

[19]  Timothy W. Finin,et al.  Evaluating the Quality of a Knowledge Base Populated from Text , 2012, AKBC-WEKEX@NAACL-HLT.

[20]  Francis Ferraro,et al.  A Concrete Chinese NLP Pipeline , 2015, NAACL.

[21]  Tim Oates,et al.  HLTCOE Participation at TAC 2012: Entity Linking and Cold Start Knowledge Base Construction , 2012, TAC.

[22]  Georgia Koutrika,et al.  Entity resolution with iterative blocking , 2009, SIGMOD Conference.

[23]  Adam R. Teichert,et al.  Faster ( and Better ) Entity Linking with Cascades , 2014 .

[24]  Joseph Olive,et al.  Handbook of Natural Language Processing and Machine Translation: DARPA Global Autonomous Language Exploitation , 2011 .

[25]  Oren Etzioni,et al.  Open Language Learning for Information Extraction , 2012, EMNLP.

[26]  Shiwei Tang,et al.  Adaptive Top-k Algorithm in SLCA-Based XML Keyword Search , 2010, 2010 12th International Asia-Pacific Web Conference.

[27]  Ning Gao,et al.  Guess What I Want: Inferring the Semantics of Keyword Queries Using Evidence Theory , 2012, APWeb.

[28]  Hang Yu,et al.  ListOPT: Learning to Optimize for XML Ranking , 2011, PAKDD.

[29]  Hang Yu,et al.  Fully Utilize Feedbacks: Language Model Based Relevance Feedback in Information Retrieval , 2011, ADMA.

[30]  Mark Dredze,et al.  Entity Disambiguation for Knowledge Base Population , 2010, COLING.

[31]  Xiaoran Xu,et al.  Mop: An Efficient Algorithm for Mining Frequent Pattern with Subtree Traversing , 2011, Fundam. Informaticae.

[32]  Hang Yu,et al.  MAXLCA: A New Query Semantic Model for XML Keyword Search , 2012, J. Web Eng..

[33]  Tim Oates,et al.  A Context-Aware Approach to Entity Linking , 2012, AKBC-WEKEX@NAACL-HLT.