Author One | Author Two | Author Three Author Four | Author Five
Helena Karsten | Joonas Peltola | Nhut Do | Jan-Erik Skata | Sebastien Venot | Helena Karsten | Jan-Erik Skata | S. Venot | Nhut Do | Joonas Peltola
[1] Paul Coulton,et al. Extending cyberspace: location based games using cellular phones , 2006, CIE.
[2] David G. Messerschmitt,et al. Marketplace issues in software planning and design , 2004, IEEE Software.
[3] Jesper Juul. Half-Real: Video Games between Real Rules and Fictional Worlds , 2005 .
[4] Bo Kampmann Walther,et al. Atomic actions -- molecular experience: theory of pervasive gaming , 2005, CIE.
[5] Julian Looser,et al. Motivations for Augmented Reality Gaming , 2004 .
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