Messengers from the Early Universe: Cosmic Neutrinos and Other Light Relics

Author(s): Green, Daniel; Amin, Mustafa A; Meyers, Joel; Wallisch, Benjamin; Abazajian, Kevork N; Abidi, Muntazir; Adshead, Peter; Ahmed, Zeeshan; Ansarinejad, Behzad; Armstrong, Robert; Baccigalupi, Carlo; Bandura, Kevin; Barron, Darcy; Battaglia, Nicholas; Baumann, Daniel; Bechtol, Keith; Bennett, Charles; Benson, Bradford; Beutler, Florian; Bischoff, Colin; Bleem, Lindsey; Bond, J Richard; Borrill, Julian; Buckley-Geer, Elizabeth; Burgess, Cliff; Carlstrom, John E; Castorina, Emanuele; Challinor, Anthony; Chen, Xingang; Cooray, Asantha; Coulton, William; Craig, Nathaniel; Crawford, Thomas; Cyr-Racine, Francis-Yan; D'Amico, Guido; Demarteau, Marcel; Dore, Olivier; Yutong, Duan; Dunkley, Joanna; Dvorkin, Cora; Ellison, John; Engelen, Alexander van; Escoffier, Stephanie; Essinger-Hileman, Tom; Fabbian, Giulio; Filippini, Jeffrey; Flauger, Raphael; Foreman, Simon; Fuller, George; Garcia, Marcos AG; Garcia-Bellido, Juan; Gerbino, Martina; Gluscevic, Vera; Gontcho, Satya Gontcho A; Gorski, Krzysztof M; Grin, Daniel; Grohs, Evan; Gudmundsson, Jon E; Hanany, Shaul; Handley, Will; Hill, J Colin; Hirata, Christopher M; Hložek, Renee; Holder, Gilbert; Horiuchi, Shunsaku; Huterer, Dragan; Kadota, Kenji; Kamionkowski, Marc; Keeley, Ryan E; Khatri, Rishi; Kisner, Theodore; Kneib, Jean-Paul; Knox, Lloyd; Koushiappas, Savvas M; Kovetz, Ely D; L'Huillier, Benjamin; Lahav, Ofer; Lattanzi, Massimiliano; Lee, Hayden; Liguori, Michele; Lin, Tongyan; Loverde, Marilena; Madhavacheril, Mathew; Masui, Kiyoshi; McMahon, Jeff | Abstract: The hot dense environment of the early universe is known to have produced large numbers of baryons, photons, and neutrinos. These extreme conditions may have also produced other long-lived species, including new light particles (such as axions or sterile neutrinos) or gravitational waves. The gravitational effects of any such light relics can be observed through their unique imprint in the cosmic microwave background (CMB), the large-scale structure, and the primordial light element abundances, and are important in determining the initial conditions of the universe. We argue that future cosmological observations, in particular improved maps of the CMB on small angular scales, can be orders of magnitude more sensitive for probing the thermal history of the early universe than current experiments. These observations offer a unique and broad discovery space for new physics in the dark sector and beyond, even when its effects would not be visible in terrestrial experiments or in astrophysical environments. A detection of an excess light relic abundance would be a clear indication of new physics and would provide the first direct information about the universe between the times of reheating and neutrino decoupling one second later.

Benjamin Rose | Julian Borrill | Shaul Hanany | Radek Stompor | Matias Zaldarriaga | John Ruhl | John E. Carlstrom | Thomas Crawford | Anthony Challinor | Giulio Fabbian | Jon E. Gudmundsson | Ningfeng Zhu | Sara Simon | Eric R. Switzer | Zhilei Xu | Tom Essinger-Hileman | Keith Bechtol | Lindsey Bleem | Marcel Demarteau | Kevin Bandura | J. Richard Bond | Mark Trodden | Michael D. Niemack | Laura Newburgh | Scott Watson | Elena Pierpaoli | Asantha Cooray | Gong-Bo Zhao | William Coulton | Jean-Paul Kneib | Eleonora Di Valentino | Darcy Barron | Aritoki Suzuki | George Fuller | Christian L. Reichardt | Lyman Page | Giuseppe Puglisi | Carlo Baccigalupi | Weishuang Xu | Ofer Lahav | Nathan Whitehorn | Cora Dvorkin | Matthew McQuinn | Lloyd Knox | Raphael Flauger | Levon Pogosian | Siavash Yasini | Emmanuel Schaan | Behzad Ansarinejad | Stephanie Escoffier | Christopher M. Hirata | Ryan E. Keeley | Savvas M. Koushiappas | Ely D. Kovetz | Graziano Rossi | Joe Zuntz | Robert Armstrong | Ren'ee Hlovzek | Kenji Kadota | Jeffrey Filippini | Florian Beutler | Martina Gerbino | Massimiliano Lattanzi | Blake D. Sherwin | Mustafa A. Amin | Emanuele Castorina | Alexander van Engelen | Simon Foreman | Gilbert Holder | Andrei Nomerotski | Neelima Sehgal | Albert Stebbins | Peter Timbie | Marco Raveri | Hayden Lee | Daniel Baumann | Nicholas Battaglia | Suzanne Staggs | Matthieu Tristram | Leonardo Senatore | P. Daniel Meerburg | Nathaniel Craig | Michael Schubnell | Peter Adshead | Francis-Yan Cyr-Racine | Vera Gluscevic | Daniel Grin | Evan Grohs | Marilena Loverde | Suvodip Mukherjee | Caterina Umilta | Joel Meyers | Jeff McMahon | Hee-Jong Seo | O. Lahav | C. Baccigalupi | J. Kneib | F. Beutler | S. Escoffier | S. G. A. Gontcho | G. Rossi | H. Seo | A. Slosar | M. Vargas-Magaña | Gong-Bo Zhao | A. Challinor | J. Dunkley | L. Page | J. Borrill | S. Hanany | R. Stompor | J. Bond | J. Ruhl | Z. Ahmed | B. Benson | J. Carlstrom | A. Suzuki | N. Whitehorn | N. Battaglia | M. Kamionkowski | K. Bechtol | E. Buckley-Geer | M. Schubnell | J. Zuntz | S. Mukherjee | A. Stebbins | R. Armstrong | E. Pierpaoli | D. Huterer | T. Kisner | J. Hill | T. Weiler | M. Zaldarriaga | S. Foreman | M. Trodden | M. Demarteau | A. Nomerotski | K. M. G'orski | L. Knox | M. Liguori | M. Tristram | F. Cyr-Racine | J. Gudmundsson | M. Lattanzi | C. Hirata | Zhilei Xu | L. Senatore | E. D. Valentino | M. Gerbino | S. Horiuchi | G. Puglisi | P. Timbie | Marcos A. G. Garćıa | M. Amin | D. Green | R. Flauger | D. Baumann | C. Burgess | B. Ansarinejad | M. Niemack | N. Craig | E. Castorina | Yuhsin Tsai | Tongyan Lin | C. Reichardt | L. Bleem | T. Crawford | G. Holder | J. McMahon | C. Pryke | A. V. Engelen | G. Fuller | E. Switzer | W. L. K. Wu | A. Cooray | S. Staggs | A. Vieregg | C. Bischoff | J. Filippini | K. Bandura | L. Newburgh | M. McQuinn | E. Kovetz | K. Abazajian | B. Wallisch | P. Meerburg | N. Sehgal | T. Essinger-Hileman | B. Sherwin | E. Schaan | R. Hlovzek | M. Madhavacheril | S. Simon | Julian B. Muñoz | W. Handley | D. Barron | G. Fabbian | V. Gluscevic | J. Meyers | N. Zhu | P. Adshead | C. Dvorkin | D. Grin | E. Grohs | M. Loverde | L. Pogosian | M. Raveri | S. Watson | H. Lee | P. Motloch | Joanna Dunkley | Mathew Madhavacheril | Marc Kamionkowski | Daniel Green | Anvze Slosar | Michele Liguori | Thomas Weiler | K. Schutz | Xingang Chen | Satya Gontcho A Gontcho | Benjamin Wallisch | Mehrdad Mirbabayi | Rishi Khatri | J. Colin Hill | Xingang Chen | K. Kadota | C. Umiltà | R. Khatri | B. Rose | W. Coulton | J. Nagy | Tongyan Lin | Bradford Benson | Julian B. Munoz | Kevork N. Abazajian | Muntazir Abidi | Zeeshan Ahmed | Charles Bennett | Colin Bischoff | Elizabeth Buckley-Geer | Cliff Burgess | Guido D'Amico | Olivier Dor'e | Duan Yutong | John Ellison | Marcos A. G. Garcia | Juan Garc'ia-Bellido | Krzysztof M. G'orski | Will Handley | Shunsaku Horiuchi | Dragan Huterer | Theodore Kisner | Benjamin L'Huillier | Kiyoshi Masui | Pavel Motloch | Johanna Nagy | Francesco Piacentni | Clement Pryke | Katelin Schutz | Yu-Dai Tsai | M. Vargas-Magana | Abigail Vieregg | S. Koushiappas | Duan Yutong | Mehrdad Mirbabayi | Francesco Piacentni | W. Xu | S. Yasini | J. Ellison | J. Garc'ia-Bellido | O. Dor'e | G. D’Amico | B. L’Huillier | G. Zhao | K. Masui | Muntazir M. Abidi | Charles Bennett | S. Gontcho | Joel Meyers | M. A. Garcia | Hayden Lee | C. Umilta | R. Keeley | J. Hill | J. Bond | A. Vieregg | Peter Adshead | H. Seo

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