WisTransPortal Volume, Speed, and Occupancy Application Suite

The Wisconsin Traffic Operations and Safety Laboratory at the University of Wisconsin-Madison has developed an online web-facility, the WisTransPortal V-SPOC Application Suite, for analyzing traffic detector volume, speed, and occupancy data from the Wisconsin Department of Transportation (WisDOT) ITS network. The V-SPOC project was initiated by WisDOT to improve upon an existing application at the Statewide Traffic Operations Center in Milwaukee that supports several engineering and planning functions. The new V-SPOC web-facility includes a complete detector database query selection tool, data visualization and export capabilities, data quality reporting, and integration with other ITS data sets. As part of the V-SPOC project work-plan, the new software was also designed to be portable and freely distributed for use in other states. This paper provides an overview of the V-SPOC Application Suite capabilities and technical design.