confección por dos filarias (Loa loa y Mansonella perstans) en una paciente proveniente de Guinea Loa Loa and Mansonella perstans coinfection in a patient from Guinea

We present a case of mixed infection by two filariae (Loa loa and Mansonella perstans). It seems that the infection was suspected due to a pronounced eosino- philia in a routine analysis. Sheathed and unsheathed microfilariae were observed in the spread of peripheral blood, which enabled a diagnosis to be established of mixed infection by filariae. The definitive diagnosis of the species was carried out at the National Centre of Microbiolgy of Majadahonda. A treatment was initiated with dietilcarbamazina and mebendazole which resul- ted in the patient's being cured and in the elimination of the microfilariae in the patient's blood. Filariasis is still endemic in many countries. Due to the increase of travellers to such zones and the migra- tory movements from such areas it is not unusual for us to come across such a diagnosis. The implantation of massive treatments against filariae in endemic zo- nes by the World Health Organisation is reducing their transmission and is managing to eliminate the disease in some areas.