Books Received

[1]  W. Ong Rhetoric and Philosophy in Renaissance Humanism , 1971 .

[2]  B. P. Reardon,et al.  La Novela en la Antiguedad Clasica , 1970 .

[3]  A. Guilcher The mediterranean valleys. Geological changes in historical times , 1969 .

[4]  L. Wilkinson,et al.  The Georgics of Virgil: A Critical Survey , 1969 .

[5]  B. Snell Tyrtaios und die Sprache des Epos , 1969 .

[6]  Horace,et al.  The Third Book of Horace's Odes , 1969 .

[7]  W. B. Owen Homeric Vocabularies; Greek and English Word-Lists for the Study of Homer , 1969 .

[8]  L. P. Wilkinson,et al.  Horace and his Lyric Poetry , 1969 .

[9]  C. Witke Enarratio Catulliana: Carmina L, XXX, LXV, LXVIII , 1968 .

[10]  A. Adkins,et al.  The Socratic Paradoxes and the Greek Mind. , 1967 .

[11]  G. P. Goold,et al.  The Pseudo-Ovidian De Vetula. Text, Introduction, and Notes , 1971 .

[12]  Louis Harmand Libanius, Selected Works, with an English Translation, Introduction and Notes by A. F. Norman, in three volumes. I : The Julianic Orations (The Loeb Classical Library, n° 451), 1969 , 1970 .

[13]  G. Schmidt,et al.  Kyprische Bildwerke aus dem Heraion von Samos , 1970 .

[14]  H. Benario,et al.  Untersuchungen zur Geschichte der Julisch-Claudischen Dynastie , 1970 .

[15]  K. Rosen Studien zur Darstellungskunst und Glaubwürdigkeit des Ammianus Marcellinus , 1970 .

[16]  Robert K. Sherk,et al.  La rivolta di Aristonico e le origini della provincia romana d'Asia , 1970 .

[17]  Stephen G. Daitz Recherches critiques sur la tradition du texte d'Euripide , 1970 .

[18]  D. Hamlyn ESSAYS IN GREEK PHILOSOPHY , 1970 .

[19]  Egidius Schmalzriedt Platon : der Schriftsteller und die Wahrheit , 1969 .

[20]  Paul Mackendrick The Athenian aristocracy, 399 to 31 B.C , 1969 .

[21]  R. D. Sweeney Prolegomena to an edition of the scholia to statius , 1969 .

[22]  David Pingree,et al.  Albumasaris De revolutionibus nativitatum , 1969 .

[23]  D. West The imagery and poetry of Lucretius , 1969 .

[24]  Sabine G. Oswalt Concise Encyclopedia Of Greek And Roman Mythology , 1969 .

[25]  L. Palmer A new guide to the Palace of Knossos , 1969 .

[26]  Richard F. Wevers Isaeus: Chronology, Prosopography, and Social History , 1969 .

[27]  Richard Minadeo The lyre of science : form and meaning in Lucretius' De rerum natura , 1969 .

[28]  P. MacKay,et al.  Vitruve: De l'Architecture, Livre IX , 1969 .

[29]  N. Rescher,et al.  Aristoteles Arabus: The Oriental Translations and Commentaries on the Aristotelian Corpus , 1969 .

[30]  F. Walbank The awful revolution: The decline of the Roman Empire in the West , 1969 .

[31]  S. Usher The Historians of Greece and Rome , 1969 .

[32]  A. Momigliano Sesto contributo alla storia degli studi classici e del mondo antico , 1969 .

[33]  B. Metzger Historical and Literary Studies: Pagan, Jewish and Christian , 1968 .

[34]  John R. M. Wilson Twentieth century interpretations of Euripides' Alcestis : a collection of critical essays , 1968 .

[35]  H. Strasburger Zur Sage von der Gründung Roms , 1968 .

[36]  Giancarlo Movia Anima e intelletto ; ricerche sulla psicologia peripatetica da Teofrasto a cratippo , 1968 .

[37]  T. Webster,et al.  The tragedies of Euripides , 1967 .

[38]  T. C. Skeat The reigns of the Ptolemies , 1956 .

[39]  Jules Labarbe Wehrli (Fritz). Die Schule des Aristoteles. Texte und Kommentar. Heft VI : Lykon und Ariston von Keos. , 1954 .

[40]  F. Wehrli,et al.  Die Schule des Aristoteles. Texte und Kommentar , 1948 .

[41]  M. Tod A selection of Greek historical inscriptions , 1948 .

[42]  T. Webster An Introduction to Sophocles , 1936 .

[43]  G. Catullus,et al.  The Poems of Catullus , 1875 .