Development of the PACTITER code and its application to safety analyses of ITER Primary Cooling Water System

The PACTITER code derives from the PACTOLE code, developed by the CEA for predicting activated corrosion products (ACPs) in PWR primary circuits. The operating conditions, material compositions and water chemistry of the various Primary Heat Transfer Systems (PHTS) of the International Thermonuclear Experimental Reactor (ITER) made mandatory the adaptation of the PACTOLE code. PACTITER was developed on the basis of dedicated experiments, namely devoted to determine copper solubility and stainless steel release in the ITER primary cooling systems conditions, which are rather different from those in PWR (i.e. water chemistry and temperatures). The PACTITER code has been extensively used in support of the ITER Generic Site Safety Report (GSSR) in the field of accident analysis and worker collective dose assessment.