The structural and functional roles of the flavin cofactor FAD in mammalian cryptochromes

The importance of circadian rhythms in human health and disease calls for a thorough understanding of the underlying molecular machinery, including its key components, the flavin adenine dinucleotide (FAD)-containing flavoproteins cryptochrome 1 and 2. Contrary to their Drosophila counterparts, mammalian cryptochromes are direct suppressors of circadian transcription and act independently of light. Light-independence poses the question regarding the role of the cofactor FAD in mammalian cryptochromes. The weak binding of the cofactor in vitro argues against its relevance and might be a functionless evolutionary remnant. From the other side, the FAD-binding pocket constitutes the part of mammalian cryptochromes directly related to their ubiquitylation by the ubiquitin ligase Fbxl3 and is the target for protein-stabilizing small molecules. Increased supplies of FAD stabilize cryptochromes in cell culture, and the depletion of the FAD precursor riboflavin with simultaneous knock-down of riboflavin kinase affects the expression of circadian genes in mice. This review presents the classical and more recent studies in the field, which help to comprehend the role of FAD for the stability and function of mammalian cryptochromes.

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