Dynamic flow control mechanism in large-scale streaming media multicast systems

An edge-to-edge dynamic flow control mechanism --e2e-DFCM was proposed.The main idea of e2e-DFCM is as follows:The QoS level of packets which had been labeled with quality level identifier(QLI) was gathered and remapped by sending video gateway(SVG);Receiving video gateway(RVG) periodically sent multicast flow status information,including delay,loss rate,etc.;SVGs dynamically remapped and classified packets according to QLI and flow status information feedback from RVG,and reassigned each QoS level flow rates based on their utilities.Once the QoS of receivers could not be satisfied(i.e.,average delay and loss rate exceed the tolerable range),RVG even requested to down-grade its level,and SVG would reduce the sending rate.In the end,simulation results demonstrate e2e-DFCM's effectiveness.