Proceedings of the Seventh International Workshop on Principles of Engineering Service-Oriented and Cloud Systems

Welcome to the 7th International Workshop on Principles of Engineering Service-Oriented and Cloud Systems (PESOS 2015). This year, PESOS was held in Florence, Italy on May 23rd, 2015, in conjunction with ICSE 2015. Continuing the special theme at PESOS last year, the 7th edition of the PESOS workshop focuses on "Principles and Practices for Engineering Collaborative Services in the Cloud". The Cloud computing paradigm is having a significant impact on the way modern software is designed, developed, deployed and governed. In particular, the scale and readily accessible nature of the Cloud opens new opportunities for not only individual applications, but also complete processes that require collaboration among such systems. Even though cloud platforms and infrastructures are typically designed to scale on demand, the questions are (i) whether this automatic elasticity translates to all services deployed on them, and (ii) whether collaboration amongst the services on (multiple) Cloud be managed elastically. Other qualities of concern and interest in this environment include monitorability, manageability, privacy, security, availability and reliability. Collaborative services in the Cloud will have to be better engineered, to either take advantage of the qualities offered by cloud platforms and infrastructures or to account for lack of full control over important quality attributes. There are therefore a number of open research challenges related to design, development, deployment, use, and integration of software, human and collaborative services in the Cloud.