Honolulu Bus Rapid Transit (BRT) Project Evaluation

This reference document was prepared for the Office of Research, Demonstration and Innovation of the Federal Transit Administration (FTA). This case study evaluation of the Honolulu bus rapid transit project is intended to support FTA’s ongoing research on bus rapid transit (BRT) project planning, development and implementation. This report presents a comprehensive assessment of the applications of BRT elements in Honolulu, per the evaluation framework outlined in the Characteristics of Bus Rapid Transit (CBRT) report. Information is presented on a broad range of applications of key elements of BRT – running ways, stations, vehicles, fare collection, intelligent transportation systems (ITS), and service and operating plans. This evaluation also investigates system performance in several key areas, including reducing travel time, improving reliability, providing identity and a quality image, improving safety and security, and increasing capacity. The evaluation concludes with an assessment of important system benefits, including transportation system benefits (increasing ridership, and improving capital cost effectiveness and operating efficiency) and community benefits (transit-supportive development and environmental quality).