where A and B are bounded linear operators on a Banach spaces X. w x Campbell studied the limit in his interesting monograph 1 in the case that A and B are finite matrices, and showed that the limit exists for an arbitrary B provided that A is semistable. Apart from the intrinsic interest in extending this problem to operators, there seems to be a need for a new proof that would be more transparent than Campbell’s original proof. The w x argument in 1 uses matrix specific techniques, such as the Jordan form, and resorts to numerical range estimates and a block version of the Gershgorin theorem to obtain a localization of eigenvalues of the parameter dependent matrices. Our proof relies mainly on the upper semicontinuity of the spectrum and on a uniform perturbation result for resolvents, and is simpler even when applied to matrices. The main theorem is then applied to the differential equation
J. J. Koliha.
A generalized Drazin inverse
Glasgow Mathematical Journal.
M. Drazin.
Pseudo-Inverses in Associative Rings and Semigroups
R. Harte.
Invertibility and Singularity for Bounded Linear Operators
S. Campbell.
Singular Systems of Differential Equations
C. D. Meyer,et al.
Generalized inverses of linear transformations
M. Nashed.
Inner, outer, and generalized inverses in banach and hilbert spaces