Collision Detection for Virtual Objects in a Haptic Assembly and Disassembly Simulation Environment

There exist a large body of work in the field of assembly, sometimes involving the use of a virtual environment to assist the user in assembly analysis. We have developed HIDRA (Haptic Integrated Dis/Re-assembly Analysis), a real-time haptic simulation for the analysis of assembly and disassembly operations. In this paper, we address the state of the art in collision detection and the implications it has on the effectiveness of our simulation. In particular, we focus on the usability of current collision detection libraries and discuss some of their limitations. Also, techniques to improve the robust ness of object interactions, in support of a collision detection algorithm, are presented. Although HIDRA is focused on assembly and disassembly simulations, the techniques described are relevant for the broader development of haptically enabled simulations.© 2002 ASME