Building Citizen-centred E-government in Taiwan: Problems and Prospects (发展以公民为核心的电子化政府-台湾的经验与启示)1

This article assesses the practice of e-government in Taiwan from a citizen-centred perspective. Since the late 1990s, the government of Taiwan has earned international recognition for its e-government initiatives. However, the analysis of e-government in Taiwan reveals that the government has neither made the best use of technology to understand and incorporate citizens’ needs into e-government nor made the necessary changes in the process and established institutional arrangements for integrated services. This article identifies the problems and challenges to enhance e-government in Taiwan. It contends that the limited role and narrow-mindedness of IT personnel in charge of designing e-government as well as a risk-averse culture amongst public servants could stop e-government from moving forward. The article concludes by discussing the lessons learned from Taiwan's experience and claims that transforming the role of IT personnel, strengthening political leadership and developing strong public value are necessary to building citizen-centric e-government. 本篇研究主要以公民为核心来探讨台湾电子化政府的发展过程,台湾的电子化政府从1990年代晚期开始发展,近年在国际评比上表现十分出色,然而,进一步深入了解台湾电子化政府的决策及执行过程,可以发现政府并未妥善运用信息科技来了解人民需求,或者是依照人民需求来调整既有政府的运作过程。本篇研究试图找出如何强化以公民为核心的电子化政府发展的问题与策略,包括政府信息人员在组织中的角色与功能,以及公务员保守避险的心态都有可能阻碍电子化政府以公民为核心的发展,未来主要可行的策略包括有政府信息人员角色的转换、政治领导的强化以及公务员公共价值的培养等。