Title: Design of a continuous — Type rice husk gasifier stove and power generation device for Bangladesh household

This paper describe of household-size continuous-flow Bio-mass (rice husk) gasifier design and performance of cooking stove and Electricity generation aimed to provide rural & Semi-Urban families with an alternative device for improve cooking and Electricity generation. The small size of Gasifier basically, biomass fuel reactor where rice husks are burned and subsequently converted into combustible gases at high temperature with a controlled amount of Air/Oxygen/ Steam (Sub-Stoichiometric combustion). Biomass contains carbon monoxide, hydrogen, Carbon dioxide, Methane and small quantities of other elements. Basically, the gas produced during gasification is composed of: (a) carbon monoxide, (b) hydrogen, (c) methane, (d) carbon dioxide, and (e) water vapor. The chemistry of gasification and the reactions of gases during the process are illustrated below. Combustion C + O2 = CO2 Water Gas C + H2O =CO + H2 Water Shift Reaction CO + H2O =CO2 + H2 Boudouard Reaction C + CO2 = 2CO Methane Reaction C + 2H2 =CH4 The gas, thus generated is called syngas (from synthesis gas or synthetic gas) or producer gas. There are two main part of Gasifier, one is Down-draft type Reactor and other is Gas duct. Fuel hopper installed at the top of the Reactor and a air blower installed for controlled air supply to the Reactor for Pyrolysis process. The produced gas often hot and included of tar and fly ash, it is require of cooling and filter unit for running of combustion Engine for Electricity generation. Cooling unit reduce temperature of gas and remove tar and the filter separate fly ash and unexpected vapor from the gas. The gasifier is fuel efficient, low cost and green gas generator, which is convenient as a renewable energy source for rural and semi urban domestic and small industries usages. The raw materials collect from agricultural waste like as rice husk. wood dust, wood cheeps, coconut shell, coconut fibber can use as fuel. There fore the operation cost for syngas generation is negligible. Syngas are green and clean for environment.