Pengujian Sistem Informasi Penjualan Undangan Pernikahan Online Berbasis Web Menggunakan Black Box Testing

nE-Commerce is the process of buying and selling using electronic media or online through the internet where buyer and seller reunited in the virtual world. With the sale electronically then a printing press in marketing the product becomes more widespread, and create sales system runs optimally. Sales of wedding invitations that took place during this experience pemasalahan in the process of marketing, sales are still using the sales system in the form of catalogs, books shaped a very tight competition, location adjacent to the printing the other, as well as the problems of distance and time to get booking information invitation in printing. It makes the sale became less save the cost, effort and time because the system used still manually. The methods used in the design of this system is the Waterfall method. The results of the testing system using black box testing shows that the system has been running in accordance with the expected results. In addition to testing, black box testing system using the beta test shows that the system earns an average rating of 81%. n Keywords: e-commerce, black box, testing, beta testing