Asynchronous multi-domain variational integrators for nonlinear hyperelastic solids

We present the asynchronous multi-domain variational time integrators with a dual domain decomposition method for the initial hyperbolic boundary-value problem in hyperelasticity. Variational time integration schemes, based on the principle of minimal action within the Lagrangian framework, are constructed for the equation of motion and implemented into a variational finite element framework, which is systematically derived from the three-field de Veubeke-Hu-Washizu variational principle to accommodate the incompressibility constraint present in an analysis of nearly-incompressible materials. For efficient parallel computing, we use the dual domain decomposition method with local Lagrange multipliers to ensure the continuity of the displacement field at the interface between subdomains. The α-method for time discretization and the multi-domain spatial decomposition enable us to use different types of integrators (explicit vs. implicit) and different time steps on different parts of a computational domain, and thus efficiently capture the underlying physics with less computational effort. The energy conservation of our nonlinear, midpoint, asynchronous integration scheme is investigated using the Energy method, and both local and the global energy error estimates are derived. We illustrate the performance of proposed variational multi-domain time integrators by means of three examples. First, the method of manufactured solutions is used to examine the consistency of the formulation. In the second example, we investigate energy conservation and stability. Finally, we apply the method to the motion of a heterogeneous plane domain, where different integrators and time discretization steps are used accordingly with disparate material data of individual parts.

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