Radiotherapy planning: direct tumor location on simulation and port films using CT. Part I. Principles.

Although there have been great advances in cancer diagnosis in recent years, it remains difficult to transfer tumor location information from cross-sectional computed tomographic (CT) scans or magnetic resonance images to the simulation and verification films used in planning radiotherapy. A newly developed system uses radioopaque markers attached to the patient as reference points. These markers are identified on both CT scans and simulation films and their locations entered into the treatment planning computer. The tumor and any desired normal structures are then outlined manually on each CT section. Transparent overlays produced by the computer show the position of the reference markers and tumor outlines for any combination of gantry angles and source-film distance. Because the overlays are scaled to the simulation films, the reference points enable precise alignment of overlay and film. The tumor outline thus appears on the simulation or verification films exactly as it is "seen" by the therapy beam, making field verification straightforward and accurate, even on oblique films.