1 Emitted Power Of Jupiter 2 Based On Cassini CIRS And VIMS Observations 3 4

26 27 The emitted power of Jupiter and its meridional distribution are determined from observations by 28 the Composite Infrared Spectrometer (CIRS) and Visual and Infrared Spectrometer (VIMS) 29 onboard Cassini during its flyby en route to Saturn in late 2000 and early 2001. Jupiter’s global30 average emitted power and effective temperature are measured to be 14.10 0.03 Wm and 31 125.57 0.07 K, respectively. On a global scale, Jupiter’s 5m thermal emission contributes ~ 32 0.7 0.1% to the total emitted power at the global scale, but it can reach ~ 1.9 0.6% at 15 N. The 33 meridional distribution of emitted power shows a significant asymmetry between the two 34 hemispheres with the emitted power in the northern hemisphere 3.0 0.3% larger than that in the 35 southern hemisphere. Such an asymmetry shown in the Cassini epoch (2000-01) is not present 36 during the Voyager epoch (1979). In addition, the global-average emitted power increased ~ 37 3.8 1.0% between the two epochs. The temporal variation of Jupiter’s total emitted power is 38 mainly due to the warming of atmospheric layers around the pressure level of 200 mbar. The 39 temporal variation of emitted power was also discovered on Saturn (Li et al., 2010). Therefore, 40 we suggest that the varying emitted power is a common phenomenon on the giant planets. 41 42 43 44 45

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