CO2 impact on the environment and alternative for a decrease in the automotive industry

Summary: Protecting the environment is becoming an increasingly high priority for business, and the legislation in this area is becoming ever more stringent. In order to survive and prosper, companies must anticipate future legislation by putting in place environmental management systems. Fuel efficiency improvements, alternative fuel technologies and environmental pressures are considered the three most influential trends, so "climate protection and the reduction of CO2 emissions will be one of the, if not the biggest, challenge of the next decade" because the reduction of CO2 is absolutely and unequivocally the most crucial issue for the automotive industry. regulative u ovoj oblasti. U cilju preţivljavanja i rasta, preduzeca moraju predviĊati buduce zakonske propise, a to je moguce uvoĊenjem sistema upravljanja okruţenjem. Efikasnost goriva, tehnologija alternativnih goriva i zastita okoline su tri najvaţnija zadatka na globalnom nivou , sto znaĉi da ce zastita klime i smanjenje emisije CO2 biti glavni zadatak industrije vozila u sledecoj dekadi. Kljuĉne reĉi: okruţenje, emisija gsova, industrija vozila