Investigation of Bulk-Loaded Liquid Propellant Gun Concepts.

Abstract : The present study has formulated and explored experimentally the feasibility of two concepts for controlling the interior ballistic process in medium caliber, bulk-loaded liquid propellant guns (BLPG). The general nature of ignition and combustion of liquid propellants (LP) in bulk-loaded LP guns-as currently understood-was reviewed to clearly indicate problems that need to be addresses in achieving successful combustion stability, progressivity, and reproducibility in such systems. According, several features were identified with the potential for modifying undesirable characteristics and for achieving various degrees of control of the combustion process in BLPGs. Based on these features, two concepts were formulated to control the BLPG interior ballistics process by gun chamber geometry to control the combustion. These concepts were evaluated in live gun test firings and found to be favorable in achieving significant degree of combustion control. The investigation recommends that further exploration and development of these concepts be undertaken to confirm feasibility, to demonstrate effective control and repeatability of the ballistic process and muzzle velocity, and to provide preliminary BLPG concepts for weaponization.