Role of Rostral Fastigial Neurons in Encoding a Body-Centered Representation of Translation in Three Dimensions

Many daily behaviors rely critically on estimates of our body motion. Such estimates must be computed by combining neck proprioceptive signals with vestibular signals that have been transformed from a head- to a body-centered reference frame. Recent studies showed that deep cerebellar neurons in the rostral fastigial nucleus (rFN) reflect these computations, but whether they explicitly encode estimates of body motion remains unclear. A key limitation in addressing this question is that, to date, cell tuning properties have only been characterized for a restricted set of motions across head-re-body orientations in the horizontal plane. Here we examined, for the first time, how 3D spatiotemporal tuning for translational motion varies with head-re-body orientation in both horizontal and vertical planes in the rFN of male macaques. While vestibular coding was profoundly influenced by head-re-body position in both planes, neurons typically reflected at most a partial transformation. However, their tuning shifts were not random but followed the specific spatial trajectories predicted for a 3D transformation. We show that these properties facilitate the linear decoding of fully body-centered motion representations in 3D with a broad range of temporal characteristics from small groups of 5–7 cells. These results demonstrate that the vestibular reference frame transformation required to compute body motion is indeed encoded by cerebellar neurons. We propose that maintaining partially transformed rFN responses with different spatiotemporal properties facilitates the creation of downstream body motion representations with a range of dynamic characteristics, consistent with the functional requirements for tasks such as postural control and reaching. SIGNIFICANCE STATEMENT Estimates of body motion are essential for many daily activities. Vestibular signals are important contributors to such estimates but must be transformed from a head- to a body-centered reference frame. Here, we provide the first direct demonstration that the cerebellum computes this transformation fully in 3D. We show that the output of these computations is reflected in the tuning properties of deep cerebellar rostral fastigial nucleus neurons in a specific distributed fashion that facilitates the efficient creation of body-centered translation estimates with a broad range of temporal properties (i.e., from acceleration to position). These findings support an important role for the rostral fastigial nucleus as a source of body translation estimates functionally relevant for behaviors ranging from postural control to perception.

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