Population studies in groups and clusters of galaxies. II. A catalog of galaxies in the central 3. 5 deg of the Fornax Cluster

A catalog of 2678 galaxies within an area of about 40 sq deg centered on the Fornax Cluster has been compiled based on 26 deep large-scale plates obtained with the 2.5-m Las Campanas Observatory reflector. The catalog includes 340 likely cluster members and 2338 likely background galaxies. Radial velocities are given for 89 of the galaxies. The spatial distributions of various types of galaxies have been modeled as the sum of a King (1962) model cluster component superimposed on a uniform background. Using maximum-likelihood fits to these distributions, a core radius of 0.7 deg is found for a King model fit to the cluster, suggesting that there are few cluster members contained in the sample of background galaxies. 60 refs.