Research data supporting "Impact of UV- and carbodiimide-based crosslinking on the integrin-binding properties of collagen-based materials"

Data set used to generate the figures in the Acta Biomaterialia paper titled 'Impact of UV- and carbodiimide-based crosslinking on the integrin-binding properties of collagen-based materials'. Each figure and supplementary figure has a separate tab in the excel spread sheet containing all of the data used to generate that specific figure. Absorbance data were obtained on a Fluostar Optima plate reader. ATR FTIR data were obtained on a Bruker Tensor 27 FTIR. Phase contrast images were obtained on a LEICA DMI6000CS phase contrast microscope fitted with a LEICA DFC340FX camera. This work was undertaken within the following research projects: 1) EPSRC Fellowship EP/N019938/1 2) ERC Advanced Grant 320598 3D-E 3) British Heart Foundation Special Project SP/15/7/31561 4) Peoples Programme of the EU 7th Framework Programme [RAE no: PIIF-GA-2013-624904].