Borehole Data Package for 216-U-12 Crib Well 299-W22-79

One new Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA) groundwater monitoring well was installed at the 216-U-12 crib in September 1998 in support of Tri-Parly Agreement (Ecology 1996) milestone M-24-36. The new well is 299-W22-79 and is a downgradient well in the groundwater monitoring network. There are a total of six wells in the groundwater monitoring network for the 216-U-12 crib and their locations are shown on Figure 1. The groundwater assessment monitoring plan for the 216-U-12 crib (Chou and Williams 1993) describes the hydrogeology of the 200 West Area and the 216-U-12 crib area. An Interim Change Notice to the assessment plan provides justification for the well (Chou and Williams 1997). The new well was constructed to the specifications and requirements described in Washington Administrative Code (WAC) 173-160, and WAC-173-303, and in Chou and Williams (1997). This document compiles information on the drilling and construction, well development and permanent pump installation applicable to well 299-W22-79. Appendix A contains the geologist's log, the Well Construction Summary Report, and Well Summary Sheet (as-built diagram). Additional documentation concerning well construction is on file with Bechtel Hanford, Inc., Richland, Washington. English units are used in this report because they are used by drillers to measure and report depths and well construction details. The conversion is made by multiplying feet by 0.3048 to obtain meters; or multiplying inches by 2.54 to obtain centimeters.