Urban Poverty & Vulnerability in India

Susan Loughhead was the Social Development Adviser in DFID’s Urban Poverty Group from 1998-2000. She is currently employed by Crime Concern, a UK based NGO dealing with poverty in the UK. ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS The ideas in this report have evolved from many sources. The authors would like to take this opportunity to name just a few of these. To begin with, they would like to thank Bharat Dogra and Rakesh Goel for their invaluable guidance and assistance during the early stages of this work. They would also like to thank the urban team in Delhi for their endless patience during the time it has taken to put this report together, and their willingness to share their ideas and experiences throughout the process. Most importantly, we would like to thank our project partners in Cochin, Cuttack and Calcutta, without whose invaluable support and dedicated work in the field this report would not have been possible. The opinions expressed in this paper are authors and do not constitute official DFID policy. The paper is intended as a basis for discussion within DFID, with programme partners, and other interested agencies and individuals.