NoCMaker & j 2 eMPI – A complete HW-SW rapid prototyping EDA tool for design space exploration of NoC-based MPSoCs

In this work we present the combination of NoCMaker , a simulation, verification and synthesis design space exploration tool for NoC-based MPSoCs, and j2eMPI, which is a Java SW stack library based on Message P assing Interface (MPI) that allows to run parallel applica tions and benchmarks on top of the processors modelled by NocMaker at transactional level. NoCMaker is based on Java and let the hardware desi gn rs to create cycle accurate designs of different types of NoCs architectures by writing a simple XML input file th a describes different system parameters. Applications that run on these systems must be desc rib d in Java and interact with the primitives of the networ k interface drivers to communicate with other process or . The j2eMPI library is a higher level API to easily use the NoC infrastructure by describing applications as re gular MPI way. Thus, NocMaker-j2eMPI can be used to obtai n some network performance metrics like throughput, m ean latency, and task time by running more realistic tr affic patterns or applications, and extracting at the sam e time an early estimation the used hardware resources, and t he energy consumption of the particular systems runnin g the given applications in the study of the NoCs.