Experimental extraction of point defects parameters needed for 2-D process modeling using reverse modeling

This work deals with the simulation of two-dimensional impurity diffusion in CMOS silicon devices. The reverse modeling method was used to determine the diffusion coefficient (D/sub I/), surface recombination rate of defects (K/sub I/) and the characteristics of the injecting source. Analysis showed similarity between D/sub I/ in the 2D system compared with the value obtained from non-patterned samples. The results for D/sub I/ and K/sub I/ are very well described by the Arrhenius expressions. D/sub I/ was found to be related to the substrate type e.g. EPI or CZ. The values of K/sub I/ related to the interface type, oxidizing or nonoxidizing (SiO/sub 2/ or Si/sub 3/N/sub 4/).