Cloud Computing Environment for Engineering and Business Education

The authors present the development of a scientific cloud computing environment (SCCE) for engineering and business simulations that offers high performance computation capability. The software platform consists of a scalable pool of virtual machines running a UNIX-like (Linux) or UNIX-derivative (FreeBSD) operating systems using specialised software based on modelling engineering processes and focused on business training and predictive analytics using simulations. The use of advanced engineering simulation technology allows engineers to understand and predict the future performance of complex structures and systems designs which can be optimized to reduce risk, improve performance or enhance survivability. A key component of cloud computing in Universities as well as in other research centers: they can share computing resources beyond their technical capabilities. With cloud computing, this allows them all to have access to large scales processing power based on KVM (Kernel based Virtual Machine). Our solution provides a more productive approach: a full scale virtualised computer with scalable storage space and instantly upgradable processing capability. It has more flexibility than other network computing systems and saves precious research time and money. Unlike the existing systems, the scientific community can receive support from a large number of specialists who may contribute by in a collaborative way.