raising the bar
ANNALS EDITORIAL This is probably the first time that the Promoting new support systems in discussing the implications of the new Academy's Journal is making serious Neurosciences regulation allowing scientists to start their effort to acquire leadership in research companies representative of Annals of Neurosciences aims to lead Neuroscience Journalism by sharing enhanced Academia-Industry partnership. the transformation of scientific e d i t o r i a l r e s p o n s i b i l i t e s w i t h Many of such articles have also argued the environment in the country, counter the counterparts outside Indian origin. urgent need to promote young leadership issues raised above by highlighting the The journal which has continued to be in academics. thoughts that capture the hearts and published for last 16 years, 4 times a Focus on multidimensional scientific minds of neuroscientists; by publishing year is now set to overcome barriers communication articles that do not merely communi-that lie in the way of local journals cate research but also focus on issues The release of various issues in 2009 have attaining national and global that transcend mere acquisition of witnessed new design, content and layout leadership in Neuroscience. I took technology or establishment of new and the Journal now finds itself ready to over as Editor in March 2009 after centres in India, those that promote take on the other regional journals which all the efforts have focused on value of human resources in advancing including those from China, Japan and enhancing visibility of the Journal. It neuroscience research, by re-evaluating several other countries who have built their was soon realized that the impact of leadership roles of Neuroscience research around local journals. We Indian Journals, in general, and their programs in the National Institutes, introduced some new sections such as citations has never been adequately creating new publication/peer review 1 'molecular shots' which features immuno-addressed in this country and, in ethics and set ethical standards for staining pictures; 'Journal Club' which general, do not match the Inter-other Journals in the world and publishes commentaries by graduate and national standards. Many argue that it advocate new funding mechanisms. It post doctoral students apart from routine is the reluctance of the Indian also seeks to become a vibrant platform research articles. 'Book reviews', scientists to communicate their for advocating legislations in stem cell 'Commentaries' and 'New …