The prostatic utricle is an embryological remnant from Müllerian duct tissue. Most prostatic utricles are asympomatic, but they may manifest as a urinary tract infection or an incontinence.
Surgery consists in a cysto-urethroscopy and cannulation of the prostatic utricle with a ureteral catheter (Fogarty ner 4) and the cystoscopy left in situ to facilitate identification and mobilization. A 10 mm port through a umbilical incision and two more 5 mm working ports were inserted. After mobilization, the ureteral defect was closed by an absorbable suture and ultrasonic coagulation.
Five boys with symptomatic prostatic utricles underwent surgery at a mean (range) age of 7 (2-11) years. The laparoscopic excision was successful in all but one due to a bleeding. The mean (range) operative duration was 165 (120-240) min.
Laparoscopic excision under cystoscopic guidance offers a good surgical view and allowing easy dissection.