Temperature Tolerance in Young Pacific Salmon, Genus Oncorhynchus

Lethal limits of high and low temperatures were determined for the young of five species of Pacific salmon, the spring (Oncorhynchus tshawytscha), the pink (O. gorbuscha), the sockeye (O. nerka), the chum (O. keta) and the coho (O. kisutch).For acclimation temperatures ranging from 5° to 24 °C. significant differences between species in their resistance to high temperatures was obtained. The spring and coho were most resistant. The pink and chum salmon were least resistant, and the sockeye was distinguishable from the latter two by greater resistance for prolonged exposure to high temperatures. No species could tolerate temperatures exceeding 25.1 °C. when exposed for one week.A fanning-out of the opercula was shown to be directly correlated with the onset of death from a low temperature. By use of this criterion mixed lethal effects at low temperatures were demonstrated and found to be influenced by the size of the fish and by the salinity of the water. None of the species could withstand temperatures lo...