National Cooperative Highway Research Program, NCHRP Synthesis 463, Pavement Patching Practices - A Synthesis of Highway Practice

This report summarizes current practices for patching both concrete and asphalt pavements. The intent is to document the state of the practice for patching relatively small-scale surface defects in concrete and asphalt pavements. Both reactive and planned patching is addressed. The synthesis covers management or administrative issues, materials, methods, equipment, specifications and tests, traffic control, and other aspects of patching operations.The information presented in the report was collected through extensive literature reviewsof U.S. and international sources. A total of 49 of 51 survey responses were received fromU.S. state highway agencies, a 96.1% response rate. Responses were also obtained from20 local agencies across the United States, 36 from national, county, and city agencies, andthree from maintenance contractors. Five responses were received from Canadian agencies (three provincial and two cities).The report will be of special interest to state, local, and international highway agenciesby assisting them to make informed decisions.