TrillionG: A Trillion-scale Synthetic Graph Generator using a Recursive Vector Model

As many applications encounter exponential growth in graph sizes, a fast and scalable graph generator has become more important than ever before due to lack of large-scale realistic graphs for evaluating the performance of graph processing methods. Although there have been proposed a number of methods to generate synthetic graphs, they are not very efficient in terms of space and time complexities, and so, cannot generate even trillion-scale graphs using a moderate size cluster of commodity machines. Here, we propose an efficient and scalable disk-based graph generator, TrillionG that can generate massive graphs in a short time only using a small amount of memory. It can generate a graph of a trillion edges following the RMAT or Kronecker models within two hours only using 10 PCs. We first generalize existing graph generation models to the scope-based generation model, where RMAT and Kronecker correspond to two extremes. Then, we propose a new graph generation model called the recursive vector model, which compromises two extremes, and so, solves the space and time complexity problems existing in RMAT and Kronecker. We also extend the recursive vector model so as to generate a semantically richer graph database. Through extensive experiments, we have demonstrated that TrillionG outperforms the state-of-the-art graph generators by up to orders of magnitude.

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