Structural Testing of a Stitched/Resin Film Infused Graphite-Epoxy Wing Box

The results of a series of tests conducted at the NASA Langley Research Center to evaluate the behavior of an all-composite full-scale wing box are presented. The wing box is representative of a section of a 220-passenger commercial transport aircraft wing box and was designed and constructed by The Boeing Company as part of the NASA Advanced Subsonics Technology (AST) program. The semi-span wing was fabricated from a graphite-epoxy material system with cover panels and spars held together using Kevlar stitches through the thickness. No mechanical fasteners were used to hold the stiffeners to the skin of the cover panels. Tests were conducted with and without low-speed impact damage, discrete source damage and repairs. Up-bending, down- bending and brake roll loading conditions were applied. The structure with nonvisible impact damage carried 97 percent of Design Ultimate Load prior to failure through a lower cover panel access hole.